Saturday, January 18, 2014

Checking out Chennai

After Varkala, we caught an overnight bus from Trivandrum which is near the Southern most point of India, and ended up on the East coast beside the Bay of Bengal in Chennai. Our flights weren't until the early hours of the following morning, and so we found a hideously cheap thus hideous room just off the barbarously busy streets. Dumping our bags and opting against a concievably redundant wash given the nature of the room's facilities, we instead headed out in search of some culture. After several miserable hours of trudging the grim highways of Chennai following further erroneous installments from the dubious Lonely Planet, we had become so unimpressively apathetic that a drastic change of scene was in order.

Having crossed a wide river strewn with the dripping, oozing waste that seems unequivocably part of the urban scene, we chanced across a large, imposing mall and proceeded to sit joyfully through 6 hours of films with a steady supply of progressively unusual cinema snacks. Jack's concluding thoughts on Chennai outlined one starkly accurate factor: that it smelt consistently off eggs and urine. This decidedly dismal outlook on one of the South's biggest cities is most likely hugely unfair and certainly partly attributable to our long journey and short window of time, however I must admit, I would not recommend Chennai as traveller's haunt but was incidentally very impressed by Leonardo DiCaprio's villainous performance in Wolf on Wall Street.                                                                  

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